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to LOVE is the greatest gift of all
Ranting by
Ellie's Mommie
1:46 PM
people crazier than me
Come any closer and I'll sock you one!
Happy Holidays!!
Ranting by
Ellie's Mommie
11:40 PM
people crazier than me
What's it about? The Life and Times of Ellie
Since you find itso hard to simplyAPPOLOGIZEfor being WRONG!
Maybe itwill be easierif you justDO THIS!
I'm not dumb enough to believe you lost myaddress or accidentally forgot how to write itcorrectly. I'm not stupid enough to think thatyou forgot what MY LAST NAME WAS! AndI don't think it's a coincidence that your post-card arrived in my mail the day before the party!GROW UP!!!Since you can't act like adults, please forgetwhere I live, lose my address, erase my phonenumber AND forget any "holidays".AND LEAVE MY PARENTS ALONE!! Youdidn't give a shit when it mattered so don'tbother them now!
Does this makeyou mad?I'd apologizebut I don'tthink I've doneanythingwrong!
Looks like childish bullshit is contagious!
Ranting by
Ellie's Mommie
3:24 PM
1 people crazier than me
Ranting by
Ellie's Mommie
9:34 PM
people crazier than me
What's it about? The Life and Times of Ellie
Ranting by
Ellie's Mommie
5:17 PM
people crazier than me
What's it about? The Life and Times of Ellie
Since I'm a Mommie now, I'm always on the look out for fabulous deals, freebies, and good coupons. Cousin Mole, having given birth to Deadbeat Dyke's lovechild, is also on the lookout for good deals. As a result, I'm dedicating a whole new section to shopping bargains, excellent coupons, and freebies. Anytime I find something awesome/useful/relatively handy, I'll post it to share with all.
What makes me different from other people who list free stuff? I don't list the "SCAMS".
FREE-LOADER TIP #1 - if you are looking for free things and the opening screen simply asks for an email... don't do it, they'll spam your address, plus they always require you to participate in their programs. Bad sites are and anything that looks too good to be true.
FREE-LOADER TIP #2 - you may want to sign up for a free email address just for the freebies. I won't send you to any spam sites, but some of the companies send you emails and eventually you'll get bogged down in crap. I get so much spam I don't notice, but it's just a thought.
FREE-LOADER TIP #3 - I do not guarantee any of these freebies to arrive. I'll make a note if I did receive my sample and I'll try to let you know the size, quality, and if it had coupons. But honestly, I get so many samples anymore that I can't keep track of them.
FREE-LOADER TIP #4 - I can't guarantee the offer is still there. Walmart changes their samples often so check back to their site often. I've gotten some good samples from them (Dry Cleaner Sheets, Purex Detergent & Softener, Listerine Whitening Strips, etc.) They're always changing them. Other offers expire or run out of supplies.
Hope you can get some use out of some of this
Today's picks:
Upromise - If you have a credit card you're willing to register OR shop at certain stores (Dillon's, Gerbe's, Baker's, GNC,, etc.) you can sign up free at this website and a percentage of your purchases for certain products (Tylenol, Flintstone vitamins, certain groceries, etc.) will be saved toward a college fund for your child, a friends child, etc. Check it out! (I'm a member & I'm happy with it)
Tylenol Recall - In light of the recent recall for Infant Tylenol Cold & Cough products, Tylenol is offering you a coupon for $5 off a Tylenol product (Expiration date 11/19/07) It's a printable coupon, so you may be asked to install the coupon printer, but it's no big deal. Click the link at the bottom of the recall notice to print coupon. (Coupon printed no problem)
Rebate on Polident Denture Care - Haven't tried it, but it's a company site so it's safe if you're interested.
(I got tired of typing Free Sample)
Smokers - Free Sample of Nicorette Red - Available at Fill out mailing and email address, answer a couple questions and bingo. Takes about 30 seconds. (just requested, but walmart samples are reliable)
Hairapy - Free Sample of Sunsilk Shampoo/Conditioner - Available at Fill out mailing and email address, answer a couple questions and bingo. Takes about 30 seconds. Get another free sample HERE. (Got this one from Walmart. One application shampoo, one conditioner, one after shower conditioning stuff, plus a coupon)
Tylenol PM Rapid Release - Available at Fill out mailing and email address, answer a couple questions and bingo. Takes about 30 seconds. (just requested, but walmart samples are reliable)
NurtaSweet - Available at Fill out mailing and email address, answer a couple questions and bingo. Takes about 30 seconds. (just requested, but walmart samples are reliable)
Baby Formula - Free Sample of Parent's Choice Gentle (Walmart Brand) - Fill out the information and they will send you a bag of formula (1 day supply, no coupon) - Did it, got it, gave it to a neighbor when she ran out the day before payday. Just fill out your mailing address, email, and answer a couple questions. Another 30 second easy one.
Baby Formula - Another Free Sample of Parent's Choice Milk Formula - Same website as above, just a different formula. You can request samples of both. (Did it! 1 Day supply, no coupon.)
Baby Bowl from Beechnut - Sign up for their email newsletter and they'll send you a bowl for your baby. (Got it!)
Dove Cool Moisture hair care - Fill out easy form, get a free sample. I love dove samples, they aren't cheap crappy samples. They usually come in the trial size containers, but I haven't gotten this one yet so who knows. Get another Dove hair care sample HERE. Again, haven't gotten this one so not sure on the size.
Reviva Skin Care - Never heard of the company, haven't signed up yet, but it's another easy form to fill out.
Murad Intensive Wrinkle Reducer - Again, don't know much on this one, but if your interested, it's not a scam.
Always - Fill it out for your daughter (mine's 5 months old so I guess I'll get the samples, but anyway) you'll get free samples for a happy period (yeah right!) Want more Always Samples click HERE. Prefer Tampex? Get them HERE. (I have gotten some samples from Always - not sure it's the same request, but they came with cute stickers and a sticky note pad). How about Kotex? Or Playtex?
L'Oreal Skin Genesis - This one came the other day, small sample packet and it might have had a coupon, can't remember. Click pink hexagon when screen loads.
Eucerin Calming - Simple form. Haven't done it.
Lotion sample from The Healing Garden - Simple form. Haven't got it.
Dove Energy Glow Lotion - Got this one it was a trial size bottle. It's a lotion with a light tanner in it. Have I mentioned I love Dove?
Dove Proage - I got the deoderant. Love it. Also came in a trial size container with coupons.
Garnier Nutritioniste - This one's from the company site so I'm sure it's the real deal, but I haven't done it yet.
CoffeeMate - This one says I can't republish their offer and since I'm not sure what that means, I'll just tell you to check out this link before October 31st if you enjoy a little something extra in your morning coffee. (I know I said not to go to sites that start out just asking for your email, but this one's okay. It's the company site.)
Sensodyne Toothpaste - Get a sample of ProNamel and a regular Sensodyne sample. Requires sign up with GlakoSmithClyne or whatever the company is. Did it today so haven't got samples yet. Teeth still not clean enough? Get some Aquafresh Extreme Clean (prints a buy one free coupon, must activate coupon printer) and then get more Aquafresh coupons under "Savings & Special Offers:
Reach Access Flosser - Link to free flosser on right side of screen. Also a link to printable coupon. Did it today.
This one is for Adult's over 18 only - Durex lubricant - I'm not fond of this brand so I haven't done it, but it might be worth someone's interest. If you prefer Astroglide, get a sample of that HERE. (got it - enough said!)
And with that, "I'm Spent!"
Have a great week!!
Ranting by
Ellie's Mommie
1:01 AM
people crazier than me
What's it about? fabulous deals
Ranting by
Ellie's Mommie
10:55 AM
people crazier than me
Ranting by
Ellie's Mommie
12:26 PM
1 people crazier than me